Wayne Patriots Calendar

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The roles of a coach

When you see the opposing teams we play you'll notice something different. They all have two or more coaches on the sidelines. As a parent you may wonder why this is so. What does a coach really do? I know when I was a parent I was unsure. So let me list it out for you so you can see why I am asking for help from you all. I don't necessarily need another person to get their F-license and join me on the sidelines, you'll notice that all the roles that have an asterisk next to it can be done by the civilians amongst you.

  • *Attend monthly coaches meeting (Every first Monday night of the month)
  • *Communicate with the parents via e-mail, blog or phone, when and where the games and practices are
  • *Attend practice twice a week
  • Train the boys
  • *Set up scrimmages with other teams
  • *Sign up for tournaments
  • Attend games
  • Coach the boys from the sidelines
  • Deal with injuries
  • *Communicate with other coaches prior to games
  • *Warm up the boys before games
  • *Print out match day forms
  • *Gather players from other teams if we are short
  • *Print out rosters updated with players moving up for the day
  • *Enter the scores
  • Evaluate the referees
  • Pay the referees
  • *Get reimbursement for referee fees
  • *Get reimbursement for trainer fees
  • *Scrounge up money from parents when we go over training budget (Thanks Josephine)
  • *Coordinate the fundraiser (Thanks Josephine and Janice)
  • *Manage the finances
  • *Enter all the children in the USClub soccer website, (Birth certificates, photos, etc,)
  • *Get the passcards from Northern Counties
  • *Get photos from the parents
  • *Generate photo ID for the boys
  • *Get the passcards laminated
  • *Drive up to Ridgewood to retrieve cards when our players get red-carded
  • *Recruit more players
  • *And write all these messages
So think about these roles and decide if you could help me out on some of them. I need a manager or even a group of assistant managers who can lift the burden from me. Remember, I didn't ask for this job. I stepped up so that the team wouldn't collapse on Marios and Roland's exit. But I'm doing it almost all myself and letting important things like recruiting more players slip due to a simple lack of time.

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