Wayne Patriots Calendar

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Make up games and practice

Last week's coach sent us an e-mail with a plea to make up the snowed out game on November 20th at 11AM. Given the amount of snowed out games, we may have little choice in the matter. I'm hoping you can all make it. Vote on the first poll.

You voted unanimously to change this Saturday's game from 6:00 to 3:00 so I will make that change on the calendar.

We also need to decide about practice once daylight savings starts this weekend. It will be dark by 5 so the boys will be unable to practice at Schuyler any more. I will try for Barbour Pond but I was told early in the season that this would be impossible. So, do you want to pay for indoor practice or would you rather say that is the end of practice until our indoor sessions start in the winter? Vote on the second poll.

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