Thanks to all the parents who paid the extra trainer fees. Josephine collected $1,650 so far.
That pays for the $990 extra training costs for Julio and will also cover the $97.50 Leo will charge us on Monday assuming weather cooperates for the final practice session before the winter session starts.
That will leave me with a little over $560 in extra training fees available for next season. I also expect to get money from two more of the parents. I'm not sure about Damien or Justin's situation so I'm not expecting money from them at this point.
We can discuss the money in more detail at the parent's meeting.
Since this extra training comes out of our pockets, that's why you have to make the checks out to me rather than Wayne Soccer Club. I just received an e-mail from Doug Struyck, the efficient treasurer of the club and he has told me that he does indeed keep separate funds available for teams in this case. We can discuss doing this at the meeting and see if we want to burden him with this as well or account for it ourselves outside of the club's system. (He didn't like my little joke about the donation, by the way. I didn't mean to imply that they would do anything inappropriate. I just figured it would be an un-needed complication.)
If you want more details of this money, look to your right and click on the link called practice attendance to see money going in and coming out. I'm no accountant so don't make fun of my system, it works for me. Also, click on the roster to see who paid what.
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