Wayne Patriots Calendar

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Third Game. Another excellent win!

Congratulations boys. We all pulled together and and won a good game. The scoring was spread around three different boys and our defense shut them down completely. We were so far ahead I decided to pull the starters and give lots of playing time to the new boys. It was great to see Freddy in offense, Nayef taking shots on goal, Ned in at stopper and Brandon trying out defense.

I hope I didn't give anyone a heart attack when I pulled Jack out of sweeper but I figured by then we had the game in the bag and it was time for him to try out the bench.

The whole team was there so substituting people in and out was a challenge but it was made easier by the boys getting leg injuries one after the other. Liam started out with a sore leg, Joel hurt his, then Jake, then Sam. I hope you all take the next few weeks to heal up.
Jake getting carried off after being taken down from behind.
Tiago got a chance to see the boys in action and will use the knowledge to direct his training efforts.

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