Wayne Patriots Calendar

Friday, March 16, 2012

Schedule is out!

First game is Sunday March 25th at 3:30 PM at Hotspur. Check the calendar for links to the map etc. The two games scheduled for April 22 and 29 are TBS by the other team's request. That means we have until April 7 to work with the other teams to get them rescheduled. The good news is that we can schedule around baseball games so the whole team can be present. The bad news is that fields in Wayne will be difficult to obtain on days other than Sundays so we may be forced to play at the opponent's field.

We have one more indoor practice session, 4PM on Friday at Turf City

We hopefully get a Red Bulls trainer assigned to our team soon and will start outdoor practices.

Five new players have expressed interest in the team, four have attended practice and one signed up. We should have a roster of 15 before the first game.

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