Wayne Patriots Calendar

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Schedule is out

Here's the link to the Northern counties site if you want more info. I'll add this link to the links on the right side of the blog so you can find it easily.
Meanwhile, I entered all the games into the calendar and you have them here also.

SAT   09/10/11
         04:00 PM  
ARS-PHHS1                          Arsenal-B12P           WayneSC-B12P                                       
SAT   09/17/11
         02:15 PM  
NWK-Riverbank                     Ironbound-B12P       WayneSC-B12P                                       
SAT   09/24/11
         08:30 AM    
WYNE-BarbourPond4            WayneSC-B12P     Torpedoes-B12P                                       
SAT   10/01/11
         10:15 AM    
WYNE-BarbourPond4            WayneSC-B12P     Maroons-B12P               
SAT   10/15/11
         11:15 AM   
WYNE-BarbourPond4             WayneSC-B12P     SCVistula-B12P                                         
SAT   10/22/11
         12:00 PM  
WYNE-BarbourPond4             WayneSC-B12P-   Stingrays-B12P                                         
SAT   10/29/11
         03:30 PM  
MONT-Fortunato                   Montclair-B12P        WayneSC-B12P                                       
SAT   11/05/11
         06:00 PM  
RDGFLDSTRIK-Willis              RdgfldRoyalStrikers-B12P-  WayneSC-B12P                                      
SAT   11/12/11
         02:30 PM  
HACK-Johnson2                    Hackensack-B12P-    WayneSC-B12P                                       
SAT   11/19/11
         12:00 PM  
WYNE-BarbourPond4             WayneSC-B12P     Arsenal-B12P 

Message from WSC about indoor training


Here is the message I referred to during the parent's meeting:

2011-2012 Indoor Training at Turf City

I am very excited to inform you that this year the Wayne Soccer Club will be providing every team with six hours of indoor accessibility at Turf City for training.  Jason Krakower is in the process of putting the schedule together and will distribute it shortly.

If you decide not to utilize the hours allocated to your team, the Wayne Soccer Club will not reimburse the funds that have been budgeted for Turf City.  Understand that we have negotiated a contract with Turf City that enables everyone to take advantage of this great offering.

Once you receive your scheduled date and time, if you need to exchange it, please reach out to Jason so he can attempt to switch your time slot with someone else.
If you would like to purchase additional hours for the winter, Jason has negotiated discounted rates with Turf City.  Please discuss with Jason.

As many of you are aware, we have limited field space with lighting.  Once the time has been changed back on November 1st, we will have limited day light time to practice.  Therefore, if anyone wants to purchase discounted hours at Turf City, please reach out to Jason immediately.  Time will be reserved on a first come basis.  The hours will be submitted to Turf City no later than September 6th.


Rene C. Moran
President, Wayne Soccer Club

I asked if it referred to Fall or Winter training. Rene assured me it was for the winter. Jan through Mar.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Results from Parent's Meeting/Indoor training

Great practice today! Nine children showed up for practice and four more had good excuses. Two were actually stuck in the horrible traffic and were unable to make it the whole way. Overall, a great effort!
Julio ran some interesting drills and the kids had fun.

We followed this with a parent's meeting. Eight of the children's parents made it and I had secured the votes of most of the remainders so that we could make some key decisions.
  1. We will have Leo and Julio alternate as trainers but Julio will do the first few game day training sessions until Bruce feels comfortable taking over.
  2. The most popular training nights, based on trainer availability, was Monday with Leo and Fridays with Julio.  
  3. Training will be from 4:30 - 6:00 PM Mon and Fri at Schuyler unless I am told the fields are busy at those times.
Josephine is collecting money for the Parsippany tournament. 7 parents paid up already.

Schuyler made it through Hurricane Irene

Schuyler field is playable, a little damp but not soggy and it will dry out today. We'll see you there tonight at 5:30 PM for practice. Then come to my house for the parent's meeting. 7:15 PM until about 8:30 PM. 41 Coventry Road in Wayne

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Practice and Parent's meeting on Monday

Looks like we all made it through the hurricane. Practice will be at Schuyler unless the field is unplayable. I'll check it out Monday morning and make a judgment then. If it won't work, we'll practice at a Totowa indoor facility so be prepared with sneakers as well as cleats. Julio is conducting the training session.

Immediately after practice, we'll have a parent's meeting at my house: 41 Coventry Road. From Schuyler, the least complicated route is Hamburg Tpke south to Alps. Right on Alps, Right on Ratzer, Right on Kiwanis, third left on Clove, Right on Coventry.

Practice after this is Thursday at 5:30, Schuyler.

And Janice made a correction: the scrimmage is against the U-11 team. Saturday at 9:30 AM at BP4

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week ending 8/27

We held our first practice, only three boys showed up. That's pretty pathetic since I had received only two excuses. That could mean several things:
  1. Communications between coach and parents are poor
  2. The kids are still in vacation mode
  3. Kids or parents don't care
I hope it's one of the first two since they can be fixed.
Communications: I have set up this blog and will keep it updated for game times, practices, weather updates etc. Save it to your favorites so you can check it easily right before games come up. I will continue to supplement this with e-mails. My cell phone number, in case you have a concern, is: (973) 768-3831.
I know the calendar is not working properly yet. I think the problem resides within Google but I'll keep working on this until it is fixed.
Until then, keep checking the headlines and the latest post to get the latest news.

Other Blog stuff: We've had a few votes on dates for parent's meeting and practice dates. Some people mentioned Saturday mornings as a possible practice time so I'll add that as an option.
I'm waiting for the rest of the people to vote so that we can make decisions. So far, this Monday night looks most popular for the parent's meeting.
I'd like to link into the picture site that one of the mothers was promoting last season. Please send me the link and I'll add it to the blog. I can also decorate the blog with pictures of the latest games.

Next few things: Julio is working on a backup site for Monday's practice in case Schuyler is waterlogged. It is an indoor site in Totowa. More details if necessary. Either way;
Next practice is Monday from 5:30 - 7PM at Schuyler unless notified otherwise.
Parent's meeting will follow directly after unless more votes come in to recommend another time.
Practice after this is Thursday 5:30 - 7PM at Schuyler.
I set up a scrimmage against the other U-12 team for Saturday Sep 3rd at Barbour Pond #4 from 9:30 - 11AM. Be there half an hour early for warm-ups and positions.
Finally, looking ahead, I booked us into the Parsippany tournament for the weekend of October 7 - 9. I paid for this out of my pocket, was reimbursed all but $125 by the club (from your dues) so I'll be collecting $10 per parent for the fees at the parent's meeting. Any extra I will put towards training fees.

Parent's meeting: This is an opportunity to meet each other in a social setting, figure out when to give the boys their 2nd place trophies from last season, learn about the goals of the Wayne Soccer club and, most important of all, learn about what I want to do with the team:
  • What is my coaching philosophy?
  • Where will we be playing and when?
  • What skills do I want to focus the boys on?
  • When will we practice?
  • What expectations do I have for you as parents?
  • How can you help me out in taking on the jobs of both Marios and Roland?
This will also be a great opportunity for you to ask me and each other any burning questions.

See you all Monday, stay safe through this coming storm.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Post

This is an experiment to see if we can communicate better using this blog than via e-mails and phone calls. I'll try to keep this up to date. For one thing I can update it at a moment's notice regarding weather cancellation, game location changes etc. I can link to photo websites, Mapquest directions etc. I like the calendar feature showing you what is upcoming. As we get further into the season I can add things like dues owed, meetings, etc.

This week's big events are two polls: One about when to hold the parent's meeting and what nights work best for practice. Please vote so that we can do the nights that make the most sense.

Please comment telling me what you'd like to see added, changed etc. If it seems like a good idea, I'll add a discussion board.